P90x3 nutrition plan c the whole time
P90x3 nutrition plan c the whole time

Plan out your workouts and relaxation time (because this IS important too, especially around the holidays - you must de-stress!) and sketch out your meals, along with that you have on hand for snacks. I like a BIG calendar with lots of space to write, so I will print out a weekly agenda page or even one page per day and start filling in spaces. If you map out your week, including all gatherings, shopping trips, and other time commitments, you will be much more likely to stay focused on your goals. This means for your meals, snacks, and workout time. Well, bah humbug! Instead of deciding that you need to log 90 minutes on the treadmill, or that you need to eat nothing but celery at your next holiday party, try these 5 tips to help keep you on track, without being too hard on yourself! After all, what good would it be if you lost 5 pounds over the holidays but were a total Scrooge the whole time and no one wanted to hang out with your grumpy self? No one needs that!

P90x3 nutrition plan c the whole time how to#

And you're also getting bombarded with magazine covers that are trying to show you how to "Beat Holiday Weight Gain", etc. If you are anything like me, you have lots of gatherings coming up with family, friends, coworkers,or even just you and your significant other having some quality time to yourselves! So with all of this, often comes the anxiety and guilt associated with figuring out what to eat at all of these parties, or how to stay motivated to work out.

p90x3 nutrition plan c the whole time p90x3 nutrition plan c the whole time

Ahh, the holidays are upon us once again.

P90x3 nutrition plan c the whole time